Terms of service


You agree and acknowledge that DDD shall be liable in the event you have failed to adhere to the Terms of use.

We constantly strive to provide you with accurate information on the Platform. However, in the event of an error, we may, in our sole discretion, contact you with further instructions.

If you use the Platform, you do the same at your own risk.


Ten Golden Rules for Safe Food Production

  • Cook raw food thoroughly
  • Eat cooked food immediately
  • Prepare food for only one meal
  • Avoid contact between raw foods and cooked foods
  • Choose foods processed for safety
  • Wash hands repeatedly
  • Keep all food preparation premises meticulously clean
  • Use safe water
  • Be cautions with foods purchased outside
  • Breast-feed infants and young children

Cook raw food thoroughly

  • Thorough cooking is essential, so that every part of the food is heated upto 70°C
  • Uncooked fruits or vegetables should be peeled and eaten
  • Unpasteurized milk should be boiled before use.
  • It is to be remembered that cooking may not destroy biotoxins
  • Eat cooked food immediately
  • Longer the wait, greater is the risk
  • Eat cooked food as they come off the heat
  • Prepare food only for one meal
  • Prepare freshly for one meal only, as far as possible
  • If foods have to be prepared in advance, or if there are leftovers, then
  • Store cold (below 5°C)
  • Hot (above 60°C)

Cooked food should be thoroughly reheated before eating

  • Avoid contact between raw foods and cooked foods
  • Slightest contact between raw and cooked food cause cross contamination
  • Cutting surface, knife, etc; used to process raw food should be thoroughly washed
  • Cross contamination due to dripping from raw food onto cooked food should be carefully avoided

Choose foods processed for safety

  • Fruits and vegetables are best in their natural state. However they should be washed thoroughly before eating
  • Foods processed hygienically should always be chosen

Wash hands repeatedly

Hands should be washed thoroughly with soap and water before preparing, serving, eating, after every interruption and at the end

  • Special care needs to be taken after going to toilet, touching animals etc.
  • Keep all food preparation premises meticulously clean
  • Kitchen should be kept absolutely clean
  • Scraps of food crumbs should be cleaned out
  • Food storage areas should be kept clean
  • Waste food should be disposed off properly
  • Food should be stored in closed containers
  • Use safe water
  • Safe water is important for food preparation as for drinking
  • Ice should be made of safe water
  • Any reconstitution ( e.g. Powder milk) should be made with safe water
  • In the absence of safe water, the available water should be properly boiled before use
  • Be cautious with foods purchased outside
  • Caution has to be taken to choose the right food before bringing it home
  • All the cautions as mentioned above should be followed carefully
  • Breast-feed infants and young children

For infants, breast milk is the safest and most ideal source of nourishment in their first months

It protects against infections because of its anti- infective properties and it minimizes exposures to food borne pathogens

I just wanted to make sure that you are following food safety procedures.

If anything happens to your food recipient Because of your food you are the responsible person only. and food recipient also check before taking the food you should conform food is good.

DDDKING NETLINE PRIVATE LIMITED (TRIPPLDEE) Company is not responsible for anything


At the DDD Complete Site, there are a number of links to companies with whom we have a relationship. DDD Complete is not responsible for the privacy practices of our business partners. We encourage you to read their privacy statements, as they may differ from ours. We also link to cobranded web sites that are maintained by DDD Complete and one or more of our business partners. When you submit information to one of our cobranded sites you may be submitting it to both DDD Complete and our business partners and the privacy policies of these cobranded sites may differ from this privacy policy. We encourage you to read the privacy policies on any cobranded site to which you link for information on the privacy practices of that site.


Please remember that information you submit in a for purposes of user or product support in a discussion group or forum will be deemed public information and is not confidential. There is a risk in such communication venues that information can be collected and used by others. Please be careful and responsible when you are online.


How to unsubscribe from the DDD newsletter and email alerts

If you no longer wish to receive any kind of communications from DDD (e.g., newsletters or email alerts), you may opt out by cancelling your subscription on the DDD Website through the link sent in each email you receive from DDD, or by sending an email to _____________.


DDD will observe retention policies and procedures so that it deletes Personal Data after a reasonable time and the purposes are met. Exception applies if in the context of those purposes, it is necessary to keep the Personal Data indefinitely, or a law requires the Personal Data to be kept for a certain time. When DDD no longer needs to keep Personal Data for the purposes, for which they are held, it will delete them as soon as practicable.


  • DDD Complete provides an online update service to provide improved versions our software. These updates are provided to correct operational defects and provide additional feature functionality to our users. As part of the software update process, we collect the following information: a statistically unique number (but not a Windows GUID), your serial number, your IP address, software version, type of operating system, the number of pages and documents that have been created, the number of users, installation language, the number of days used, relevant file association, user action logs, installation and update versioning and control information.
  • We collect this information in order to help us better understand the usage patterns of our products to provide timelier and relevant updates. We also use this information for planning and forecasting server loads, upgrade patterns, licensing, and purchasing patterns.
  • The information is also used to generate aggregate statistics about how our software, web site, and update services are used so that we may provide the best possible support to our users.


If you have any questions, comments, or would like to change your communication preferences, please contact us using one of the options below:

If you have any questions about this Policy or other privacy concerns, you can also email us at ____________


All content displayed on the DDD Websites, including but not limited to, text, graphics, logos, buttons, icons, images, sounds, audio clips, video, digital downloads, data compilations and software, is the property of DDD or its content suppliers and is protected by the French and/or foreign applicable laws.

Registered trademarks of DDD are marks indicated on the DDD Websites and include licensors, in France and other countries. All other trademarks that appear on the DDD Websites are the property of their respective owners.

You are prohibited from using, without permission, any of the marks, trademarks, trade names, service names, logos or other proprietary graphic appearing throughout the DDD Websites.


A Security disclosure in the privacy policy assures users that their personal data is well protected, but you may also want to note that no method is 100% secure.


This website is for informational purposes only. Any enquiry/consultation before performing any exercise program, including the programs on this website. It is your responsibility to evaluate your own requirements, or that of your clients, and to independently determine whether to perform, use or adapt any of the information or content on this website. Any exercise program may result injury/ personal loss. By voluntarily undertaking any exercise displayed on this website, you assume the risk of any resulting injury.

The services and all information, products, and other content included in or accessible from the services are provided “AS IS” and without warranties of any kind (Express, implied, and statutory, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose).


If you click on one of the links to third party websites, you may be taken to websites we do not control. This policy does not apply to the privacy practices of those websites. Read the privacy policy of other websites carefully. We are not responsible for these third-party sites.


In accordance with Information Technology Act 2000 and rules made there under, the name and contact details of the Grievance Officer are provided below:
Email: contact@trippldee.com


To the extent permitted by applicable law in your jurisdiction, DDD may from time-to-time revise or update this Privacy Policy. You agree to be bound by such modifications or updates. If we make material revisions to the way we collect or use your personal information such that we are using it for purposes that you have not consented to, we will notify you of the changes and, as the case may be, ask for your explicit consent.

Any changes to this Privacy Policy will become effective upon posting of the revised Privacy Policy on the internet, accessible through the DDD Websites. By continuing to use the DDD Websites following such changes, you will be deemed to have agreed to such changes.


Persons who are "incompetent to contract" within the meaning of the Indian Contract Act, 1872 including minors, un-discharged insolvents etc. are not eligible to use the Platform. Only individuals who are 18 years of age or older may use the Platform and avail Services. If you are under 18 years of age and you wish to download, install, access or use the Platform, your parents or legal guardian must acknowledge and agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Should your parents or legal guardian fail to agree or acknowledge the Terms of Use and DDD policies, you shall immediately discontinue its use. DDD reserves the right to terminate your Membership and / or deny access to the platform if it is brought to DDD's notice that you are under the age of 18 years.

If you choose to use the Platform, it shall be your responsibility to treat your user identification code, password and any other piece of information that we may provide, as part of our security procedures, as confidential and not disclose the same to any person or entity other than us. We shall at times and at our sole discretion reserve the right to disable any user identification code or password if you have failed to comply with any of the provisions of these Terms of Use.

As we are providing services in the select cities in India, we have complied with applicable laws of India in making the Platform and its content available to you. In the event the Platform is accessed from outside India or outside our delivery zones, it shall be entirely at your risk. We make no representation that the Platform and its contents are available or otherwise suitable for use outside select cities. If you choose to access or use the Platform from or in locations outside select cities, you do so on your own and shall be responsible for the consequences and ensuring compliance of applicable laws, regulations, byelaws, licenses, registrations, permits, authorisations, rules and guidelines.

You shall at all times be responsible for the use of the Services through your computer or mobile device and for bringing these Terms of Use and DDD policies to the attention of all such persons accessing the Platform on your computer or mobile device.

You understand and agree that the use of the Services does not include the provision of a computer or mobile device or other necessary equipment to access it. You also understand and acknowledge that the use of the Platform requires internet connectivity and telecommunication links. You shall bear the costs incurred to access and use the Platform and avail the Services, and we shall not, under any circumstances whatsoever, be responsible or liable for such costs.

You agree and grant permission to DDD to receive promotional SMS and e-mails from DDD or allied partners. In case you wish to opt out of receiving promotional SMS or email please send a mail to (Support email).


If you choose to visit the website, your visit and any dispute over privacy is subject to this Policy and the website's terms of use. In addition to the foregoing, any disputes arising under this Policy shall be governed by the laws of India.

National data protection and privacy laws may impose additional requirements on DDD for the Processing of Personal Data. Where required, DDD will establish procedures and guidelines in order to supplement the principles of this Policy and engage with relevant regulatory/ supervisory authority, as required.


  • This Agreement shall be governed and interpreted according to the laws of India. All disputes arising from this Agreement or in any manner connected thereto shall be finally settled by a sole arbitrator duly nominated by the management of the COMPANY and conducted at Chennai in accordance with the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. The Arbitrators shall not be limited by the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 and the Indian Evidence Act and shall be free to chart out the procedure followed in arbitration.
  • The arbitration proceedings shall commence on and from the date of appointment of Sole Arbitrator, and the award shall be made within a period of 60 days from the appointment of Sole Arbitrator.
  • The proceedings of arbitration and the award shall be made in English.
  • The venue of proceedings shall be in Chennai, and the arbitration shall be subject to The Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996 and rules framed thereunder and under the jurisdiction of the courts at Chennai.



Food Sharing/Delivery

DDD (food) provides food delivery, also facilitates food sharing among the neighbour/ within campus.

Expert Advice/ Consultation service

The Expert Advice/consultation Service by DDD includes.,

Medical expert opinion that is been provided by a person duly and regularly engaged in the practice of his or her profession who holds a health care professional degree from a university or college and who meets the requirements of an expert.

Legal Expert advice provides clarification on the legal subject matter.

Engineering consultancy service provides the opinion on project design, coordination and analysis on construction and engineering.

Chartered Accountant advisory service provides professional accreditation service for accounts

Mail Addresss
